When a credit card holder spends money by swiping the card, when the amount of swiping the card exceeds the credit limit, the bank will charge a certain percentage of the fee for the part exceeding the credit limit, which is called the credit card overrun fee.
According to the relevant regulations of the central bank, banks can control the maximum amount of credit card spending at 1 10% of the original amount. For example, if you have a credit card with a credit limit of 10000 yuan, you may spend as much as 1 1000 yuan directly on the credit card, and the bank may charge a certain percentage of the overrun fee if it exceeds the credit limit of 1000 yuan. It should be noted that any bank can swipe its card to exceed the credit limit. For example, the credit card of China Merchants Bank cannot be swiped if it exceeds the credit limit.
The charging standards of credit card overrun fees vary from bank to bank. Some of them are charged in a lump sum according to the percentage of the overrun amount, and some are calculated and charged according to part of the daily interest of the overrun amount. The charging standards of overrun fees are relatively high.