It is the number 95559. You will receive text messages because you have activated SMS banking service. SMS banking is an SMS service number where customers send text messages in a specific format to the bank by editing them. The bank handles related matters for customers in accordance with customer instructions. business, and notify customers of the transaction results via SMS.
Extended information
Our bank will adjust the SMS sending number starting from 0:00 on January 1, 2019. The adjusted SMS number is as follows:
95559 10692889888 < /p>
1069009888 10691159888
10690769888 106906859888
106908669888 106916889888
106901109888 10690679888
106909269888 106900959888
10690759888 106923159888
106901469888 106909289888
106909939888 106901549888
106908939888 106929159888 p>
1069079888 10692889888
Bank of Communications-Announcement