1. Interest and penalty interest. Many people who have used credit cards spend irrationally and do not repay in full and on time. Then they have to pay interest to the bank. If they cannot make the minimum repayment, they will have to pay late fees. This accounts for the bulk of credit card profits.
2. Merchant rebates. When cardholders swipe their cards at merchants, merchants generally give 1 rebate, which is divided proportionally by UnionPay, the card issuing bank, and the POS issuing bank.
3. Card fee. Foreign banks all charge card fees. my country's credit cards are in the development stage. Banks compete for the market and waive annual fees by reaching the number of card swipes. But there are also many people who do not reach the required number of times and have to pay card fees.
4. Installment fees, various merchant installments, and bill installments will earn fees for banks, which is equivalent to small loans.
5. Cash withdrawal fees and cash withdrawal interest.
6. Other services, such as co-branded credit cards, can share profits with merchants.