swiping insurance mainly aims at the loss of funds caused by copying or swiping debit cards or credit cards by others, stealing or transferring money in banks and personal online banking, etc., and swiping funds by coercion or robbery belongs to the scope of swiping. The guarantee fund is determined by the amount of insurance. A few yuan of insurance can guarantee tens of thousands of account funds, and a few tens of yuan of insurance can guarantee a maximum of 5, or more.
the compensation for the stolen brush insurance is not as simple as the insurance company claims.
on the one hand, it is difficult to define whether the credit card is stolen due to coercion, and the insurance company may refuse to pay for it on this ground; On the other hand, if there are too many exemption clauses, and the exemption clauses are excluded, this kind of insurance has no practical significance.
Therefore, you should read the clauses, especially the exemption clauses, before buying the stolen brush, you should brush it first.