The initial limit of a credit card is relatively low. Therefore, many users have the idea of ????applying for another card after getting it, thinking that the limit may be increased. In fact, it does not uncertain. The credit card limit will not be higher just because you apply for more cards. It mainly depends on the applicant's credit conditions. So, will it be higher if you apply for a credit card with a low credit limit? Analyze it from these perspectives!
First of all, check whether the issuing bank is the same. For example, if you apply at the same bank or apply at a different bank, the results will be different. For example:
1. The same bank Apply for a card. If it is less than half a year since the last time you applied for a credit card, and there is no change in your credit conditions, even if you are approved for applying for a credit card again, the credit limit will not be too high, and the credit limit may be even lower. However, cardholders can use the credit cards they have already applied for as bargaining chips to improve their qualifications through good card usage behavior. If your credit limit is too low, you can add money to your credit card and then spend it. Use at least 70% of your credit card limit every month. Occasionally you can max it out once or twice, but you must maintain good card usage behavior and cannot use your credit card to make false transactions. Obtain cash, and pay attention to repaying it in full and on time after using it to avoid undesirable situations such as overdue payments. In this way, the user's spending power and repayment ability can be recognized by the bank, and the user can obtain a higher credit limit when applying for a card.
2. Apply for cards through different credit card application platforms. Different banks have different requirements for credit card approval, but the most basic conditions are similar. You must maintain good credit qualifications and sufficient repayment ability, so that you can successfully apply for a card. As for whether the credit limit is high, it also has something to do with the nature of the bank. If you apply for a card at a state-owned bank, although the credit limit is low, you can successfully get the card approved. If you apply for a card at a commercial bank, you can also get a higher credit limit.
So, if you apply for a low credit card limit, it may not necessarily be high. It mainly depends on the user's credit conditions and card usage behavior, and it will also be affected by the nature of the bank. In addition, in order to prevent excessive consumption and eventual inability to repay, it is recommended that users not blindly pursue high limits and apply for a card based on their own needs and actual repayment ability, so as to avoid overdue situations.