1. Usually, when handling credit cards, we need proof of identity, proof of work and proof of income. In addition, you can also submit valid certificates such as name, car and room.
2. Personal credit: Every time you apply for a credit card or loan, the bank will check your personal credit. Credit records can not only accumulate your credit information, but also reflect whether you have enough repayment ability.
3. Position: Generally, the credit line of private enterprise bosses is relatively low, because private enterprises may face the risk of bankruptcy at any time, so the credit line will not be too high.
4. Marital status: Married people are often more stable than unmarried people, so under the same conditions, the credit card limit of married people is higher than unmarried people.
5. Nature of the company: When examining your application qualification, the bank will also focus on the situation of your company. If you are a top 500 enterprise, I believe your credit line will be higher.