Top secret strategy: The best way to save yourself if your credit card is overdue! 1. Overdue for a short time, actively contact the bank after making up the debt. If you are only overdue for a few days, you must quickly go to the bank with which you owe the debt to solve the problem. Because not all overdue items will be immediately displayed on the personal credit report. Some banks will allow a few days, while others will not report overdue records to the central bank's credit report center until next month. Children at this stage must not give up on treatment. It’s still not too late! 2. If you are overdue for more than 90 days, pay off the debt and maintain good credit habits. If you are overdue for a long time, you will not only be reported to the credit report, but you will also have to pay off the debt. Penal interest will also be paid when the debt is owed. Attention! Don’t be discouraged if this happens to you. As long as you continue to maintain good consumption habits, the bad records will be automatically eliminated after 5 years. ...3. Accidentally overdue, require the bank to issue a "non-malicious overdue certificate". Banks are also very humane. If you are overdue due to unemployment, illness, going abroad, etc., take the initiative to contact the bank, explain your actual situation, and open a With a "certificate of non-malicious overdue payment", the loan can still be cleared. 4. If it is overdue, submit an "objection application"...