Log in to www.spdbccc.com.cn Credit Card website, click "Set/Reset Credit Card Inquiry Password" in the menu in the upper left corner of the homepage, and set your own credit card inquiry password according to the prompts;
Option 2:
For mobile phones or residential phones registered with credit cards, please dial 4008208788 and select the voice menu "2. Password service "-continue to select the lower menu" 1, modify or reset the inquiry password ",and set your credit card inquiry password according to the voice prompt;
Password setting and modification of credit card transaction in Shanghai Pudong Development Bank
1. Set or reset the credit card transaction password for the first time:
Dial 4008208788 and select menu "2. Password Settings "-Continue to select the lower menu" 2. Modify or reset the transaction password ",and set your credit card inquiry password according to the voice prompt;
2. Modify the credit card transaction password:
Directly modify with the ATM of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank; Alternatively, dial 4008208788 and select menu "2. Password Settings "-continue to select the lower menu" 2. Modify or reset the transaction password "and set your credit card inquiry password according to the voice prompt;