Is it appropriate for credit card installment 12 to have an average interest of less than 90 cents a day?
Credit card10.2 million installments10.2 months, and the average daily interest is less than 90 cents. Credit card installment payment has no interest, and installment payment requires installment fee. Among them, the credit card rates of China Bank are 1.95% for the third installment, 3.6% for the sixth installment, 5.4% for the ninth installment, 7.2% for the 1 18 installment, 0.7% for the 24th installment 15%. According to this calculation, the daily interest of 1002 is 2.4. Therefore, it is appropriate for the credit card to be divided into two periods 12 months, and the average daily interest is not more than 90 cents.