Another important function of credit card is credit lending. Cardholders can spend in advance through credit cards, and banks provide them with certain loans in the form of credit lines. After consumption, the cardholder needs to repay the principal and interest of the loan owed to the bank before the stipulated repayment date, otherwise, a high late fee and penalty interest will be incurred. At the same time, the cardholder's credit history will also be affected, so it is necessary to be cautious when using credit loans.
Many credit cards also offer a series of discounts. These benefits include coupons, points, cash back and other privileges. Cardholders can get corresponding discounts when spending, which can reduce the consumption cost and improve the quality of life. Some credit cards have specially designed preferential policies for different consumption scenarios, such as professional credit cards such as golf cards and airline cards. Cardholders can enjoy more targeted benefits through these specially designed credit cards.