When purchasing with a credit card, the cardholder does not need to pay a handling fee. The cardholder only needs to pay for the goods; generally, the merchant bears the handling fee.
Taobao’s credit card payment handling fee is 1%, which means that for a 100 yuan product, if you pay with a credit card, a 1 yuan handling fee will be deducted. Of course, the payment handling fee will be borne by the merchant.
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Credit card charging principles:
< p>If the seller has opened a credit card payment service, there is no difference between the buyer's choice of credit card payment and debit card payment. When the buyer confirms receipt of the goods, the Taobao system will automatically deduct 1% of the seller's fee.If the seller has not opened a credit card payment service, then when the buyer uses a credit card to make a purchase, the 1% handling fee will be borne by the buyer.