Credit card available limit refers to the unused credit limit of your credit card. The available amount will decrease with each consumption and recover with your repayment in each period. A negative credit card bill balance means that you have paid more money to the bank before. This situation is called credit card overpayment.
There is no interest on credit card overpayment, and how much and how long it has been saved in the credit card has no practical significance to the cardholder. It is a common practice in the industry to repay credit cards without interest.
If the cardholder fails to repay in full, the balance of the bill will be displayed as * * yuan. The cardholder overpays, and the excess part is shown as xxx yuan. A negative sign indicates that the credit card account has a balance, and no negative sign indicates that the credit card has not been paid off.
Extended data:
The amount of any credit card depends on the effective income provided by the individual during the application process and the value of the asset guarantee. The credit limit of a credit card is positively related to the applicant's income and secured assets, that is, the higher the income and secured assets, the higher the credit limit.
At the same time, every credit card has a hidden limit. The credit card is maxed out, so it's easy to use the over-limit line. Once it is used beyond the limit, it means paying a high over-limit fee. Many consumers have a bad grasp in the process of shopping, and credit cards are often maxed out.
Baidu encyclopedia-credit card limit