With more and more people applying for credit cards, many friends who use CGB credit cards have encountered the problem that the credit card limit has been reduced. What is the reason for the reduction of credit card limit of CGB?
Credit card limit of Guangfa Bank is reduced
1. Credit cards are overdue
Credit cards have very high requirements for personal credit information. If credit cards are overdue or unpaid, the credit card center will reduce the credit card amount in order to reduce the risk.
2 illegal cash withdrawal or card raising
after the cardholder is suspected of risk control by the bank, the issuing bank will either reduce the credit limit of the cardholder or suspend the use of the cardholder's credit card according to the cardholder's specific situation.
3 The cardholder's spending power is not enough
If the cardholder's credit card limit is high, but the card is swiped too little every month, the spending limit is low. The bank will think that the amount given to the cardholder is not in line with the cardholder's spending power, and will also reduce the cardholder's credit card amount in due course.
once the credit card is found to be downgraded, find out the reason for the downgrade, so as not to cause more problems. If there is not much demand for credit card consumption, it is recommended to use a small amount of credit cards.