1. savings account: after dialing 95533, select "personal business -0 manual service".
2. Credit card: select "Credit card business" after dialing 95533, and press 0 key after the cardholder verifies his identity; If a customer without a card needs to enter the ID number or card number after dialing, please press the "#" key directly.
3. Corporate customers: After dialing 95533, select "Corporate Business". If you need manual help, press 0, followed by #.
According to the above method, if you don't enter the manual service for a long time, it may be that the manual seat was busy at that time.
Extended data
Call the customer service telephone number of China Construction Bank:
1 00 (international prefix) +86 (China code)+domestic area code (excluding the first "0" of the area code)+95533.
2, 86 (China code)+local area code (excluding the first "0" of the area code)+95533.
For example, the number of Sichuan customers calling 95533 overseas is 00862895533 or 862895533.
China Construction Bank-How to Transfer to CCB Customer Service Telephone Manual Service