1. Click on Alipay to enter.
2. Click my button in the lower right corner after entering Alipay. Select the online merchant bank to enter.
3. After the page jumps, enter the online merchant bank and click my button in the lower right corner.
4. After the page jumps, pull down to the bottom in the page that appears.
5. Click the "Ask me a question" button at the bottom.
6. Enter logout in the customer service dialogue interface that appears, and then click the message sent by its customer service to enter.
7. Click the Close Service button in the page that appears.
8. After the page jumps, check the reasons for cancellation, and click the button to cancel the online merchant's bank account.
9. After the page jumps, you can see the prompt information given by the interface. The online merchant bank marketing account has been submitted successfully, and the account can be completely closed after 5 working days.