Like many bank credit cards, this card is free of annual fee for the first year. If you spend three times in the current year or the accumulated amount is 2000 yuan, the annual fee will be exempted in the following year. Puka and gold card spending 1 yuan accumulative total 1 points, birthday monthly spending 1 yuan accumulative total 2 points, and the general points are valid for 5 years. The maximum withdrawal ratio is 50%, and the withdrawal handling fee is 2.5% of the withdrawal amount. The lowest in China is 10 yuan, and the lowest repayment ratio is 10%. The shortest interest-free period is 20 days and the longest is 50 days. The SMS notification of credit card transactions of China Everbright Bank is completely free, and you can enjoy the card loss protection service 48 hours before the loss of credit cards.
Application conditions:
1. Age: 18 years old (inclusive) and a China citizen with full capacity for civil conduct;
2. The applicant should have a fixed job and a stable income;