Submitted to credit bureau. Applying for a credit card or using a credit card will leave a record on your personal credit, but as long as there is no overdue repayment, your personal credit will not be affected, which means there will be no adverse effects.
A personal credit report will include all credit cards, loan usage, delinquencies, etc. under a person's name. When applying for a credit card or loan, banks or lending institutions will check personal credit, mainly to see whether there is any late repayment in personal credit, in order to evaluate the applicant's repayment ability and personal credit.
What is the general interest rate on credit cards?
Generally, the daily interest rate for credit card interest is 0.05%, which means that the monthly interest on 10,000 yuan is about 150 yuan.
Credit card payments are usually paid on time and in full, interest-free. In addition, certain interest and handling fees will be charged for overdraft withdrawals. The handling fee is 0.5%.
Credit card interest is charged from the date of purchase. Interest is calculated at 5% daily and compounded monthly. If interest is not paid this month, interest will accrue next month. In addition to interest, there are other fees if you don't pay interest on time, such as late fees.