You can apply for a credit card if your credit card is overdue, but your overdue record will affect the credit card approval. If the overdue record is small, the bank will take reduction measures. If the number of overdue records is high, the bank will reject your application.
You cannot apply for a credit card when the number and time of your credit card overdue reaches the following requirements:
1. Overdue 3 times in a row;
2. Overdue 6 times in total ;
3. Overdue for more than 90 days.
Overdue records on the credit report will be retained for 5 years and will be automatically deleted after 5 years.
Extended information:
1. The consequences of overdue credit cards:
1. Entering the credit card blacklist, which will subsequently lead to a series of problems such as housing loans and car loans. Unable to handle.
2. Overdue late payment fees and high penalty interest will occur.
3. In the face of bank debt collection, transportation will be restricted and affected.
4. The most serious consequence is failure to pay after repeated collections. If the amount is relatively large, the bank will sue and you will bear criminal liability.
2. The conditions for prosecution for overdue credit cards are:
1. Malicious overdraft is more than 90 days overdue.
2. The bank still refuses to repay the loan after repeated calls and has a bad attitude.
3. The overdue amount reaches the standard for prosecution.
Reference: People's Daily Online - Overdue credit card repayments affect your credit, making it difficult to apply for provident fund loans
1. How long will it take for the credit card overdraft to be suspended?
1. If the credit card is overdue for one or two months, the bank wi