Pre-authorization, commonly known as "swiping your card in the air", is generally understood as that you don't need to swipe your card with your actual credit card. You just need to inform the merchant of your credit card information, such as your name, ID number, credit card expiration date and cv2 code, and the merchant will deduct the money on his behalf. Of course, the bank has strict credit requirements for such merchants. After the credit card is pre-authorized, the consumption money will be temporarily frozen in your credit card, and this part of the money will not be real until the cardholder finishes spending or the merchant sends a deduction application to the bank. Pre-authorization won't give you any pos slip, and you don't need to sign it. The issuing bank will call you for confirmation for the first time.
Binding the automatic repayment business, usually between the debit card and the credit card of the same bank. After the binding is successful, the bank will deduct the current bill from your debit card on the final repayment date, so you don't have to wait in line at the bank, and you don't need to worry about missing the final repayment date! Generally, it is bound in the bank counter or credit card telephone banking, and it can also be bound in online banking. After the binding is successful, you only need to deposit enough money into a debit card, so there is no need for other operations!