1. If you spend before the bill date every month, you can pay it off before the sunrise bill of the month and before the first repayment 20 days after the bill date, and you can enjoy interest-free treatment;
2. Consumption after the monthly bill date can be paid off before the first repayment date 20 days after the bill date of next month, and you can enjoy interest-free treatment;
3. There is no interest-free period for credit card withdrawal, and there is a handling fee. From the date of withdrawal, interest will be calculated at 0.5 ‰ of the bill amount until all principal and interest are paid off. Credit card withdrawal is not recommended. If it is urgent, it should be repaid as soon as possible;
4. The repayment date of the credit card is the final repayment date. You can repay any day before, and you can repay many times. But even if it is overdue after the repayment date, it may affect personal credit, so it is necessary to repay it in time.