to apply for credit card approval, you need to bring your valid personal certificate to the bank counter, or you can contact the credit card staff to apply for credit card. When looking for a staff member, you must verify the identity information of the staff member in advance to avoid being deceived. It is free to apply for credit cards. You can't trust any advertisements that can guarantee the approval of large credit cards. You should apply for credit cards from formal channels.
once you find that you have been cheated when you apply for a credit card, you should hurry to report to the police, explain in detail the relevant information of the applicant and the relevant information provided by the individual, and keep a report record in the public security bureau. This can ensure that once personal information is leaked or credit cards are stolen due to deception, it can effectively prove that the arrears are not caused by personal reasons and can reduce personal economic losses.
Moreover, for credit cards handled through informal channels, after the credit card is approved, the handling personnel will fill in the receiving address of the credit card to his address, and after the card is opened, it will involve credit card theft. After this happens, the cardholder of the credit card must call the customer service at the first time to inform that the credit card has been stolen, and ask the bank to freeze the credit card and call the police at the first time, waiting for the public security organ to detect it. Although according to the law, the credit card arrears under the name of an individual are paid by the individual, if the stolen brush is involved, the arrears can be recovered through the detection of the public security organ, thus reducing some personal losses. Therefore, if the credit card handled at home is cheated, it is necessary to seize the time to call the police to reduce personal losses.