1848 CBOT exit 1, 19. In 1930s and 1940s, Chicago developed into an important food distribution center in the United States because of its unique geographical location, such as its proximity to the Midwest Plain and Lake Michigan. Due to poor traffic conditions, limited storage capacity and other reasons, a large number of cereals are listed every year, and merchants cannot purchase in large quantities, so that the price of cereals falls again and again. Every spring, due to the shortage of cereals, the price soars. 2. In order to solve the business risks caused by the sharp price fluctuation, some businessmen set up warehouses on the main roads in this area on the one hand to expand the purchase volume in the listing season, on the other hand, they signed supply contracts with grain processors and sellers in the next spring, so as to determine profits through joint production and sales. Forward contract transaction has become an important way for grain merchants to solve practical contradictions. 3. In order to effectively carry out trading activities, 82 merchants spontaneously set up a chamber of commerce organization-Chicago Board of Trade 1848. In the early stage of development, the main task of the exchange is to provide some services in transportation, warehousing and price information to facilitate members' transactions. The forward contract transactions of trading products will not be provided until 185 1. 4. Several problems to be solved in the process of forward contract transaction. The specific contents of the transaction include quality, grade, price, quantity, delivery time, etc. When the situation or price of both parties changes, it is difficult to transfer the contract to others, and whether the contract can be executed depends on the reputation of the other party to ensure that the cost of executing the contract is high and the execution risk is high. These were the main problems at that time. In order to solve these problems, the Chicago Board of Trade introduced standardized contracts as trading products in 1865, and implemented a deposit system, charging both parties with a deposit not exceeding 10% of the contract value as performance guarantee. 1882 Chicago Board of Trade allows hedging to cancel performance. Clearing Association appeared in 1883, providing hedging tools for exchange members. 1925 the Chicago board of trade clearing company was established, and all transactions were settled through the clearing company. At this point, futures trading has completed an important institutional innovation, marking the real birth of futures trading in the modern sense.