Second, why did the price of eggs rise? First, the price of corn has gone up. From the point of view of the cost of laying hens, corn is an important source of feed, and the continuous increase of corn price also leads to the increase of laying hens' breeding cost and indirectly leads to the increase of egg price.
Second, the market demand for eggs has increased. From this year's consumer market, the market demand for eggs continues to exist, and many consumers are interested in eggs. All kinds of foods will choose to eat eggs to supplement nutrition, further pushing up the price of eggs.
Third, the supply of eggs has decreased. Judging from the supply of eggs in the market, there are fewer and fewer eggs with good morality, which also leads to the decline of people's morality in eating eggs. At this time, the price of eggs in the market also produced a particularly large price difference. The better morality, the more expensive eggs.