English letters (26 letters): aa bb cc DD ee ff gg hh ii jjkkll mm nn oo PP QQ RR ss TT UU vv ww xx YY ZZ.
basic document
1. In the Phoenician and Hebrew alphabets, L is called lamedh, which is a hieroglyphic symbol, indicating ox drive or whip. . The corresponding letter in Greek is λ(lambda.
2, l Morse code: ...
3.4L stands for "left" in most native English-speaking countries, such as left, left lane and left channel, which is the abbreviation of English left (antonym: right).
4. In the current futures of Dalian Futures Exchange, L is a plastic contract.
5. in geometry, l or l is used to represent length.
6. In mathematical analysis, "(L)∫" is often used to express Lebesgue integral.
7. In physics, the torque formula is M=F×L, where l is the effective length. In addition, the black body L can also represent angular momentum. The white object l stands for inductance.