If you take orders on the Hello Ride platform, contact passengers through the number on the platform and learn a language similar to offline transactions. No matter which side cancels the order. Will be judged as an offline transaction. If the driver reaches the passenger's starting point, the passenger also reaches the starting point. No matter who cancels the order, as long as the positions of the driver and passengers overlap for a certain period of time, the platform will also judge it as an offline transaction.
Article 79 of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Road Transport stipulates that those who have not obtained the business license for road passenger transport shall not engage in the business of road passenger transport. If you leave the ride platform for offline trading, once you are investigated by the operator, it will be difficult for the owner to prove that he is a ride, and he will bear the punishment of illegal operation. For passengers, when they know that the other party is trading off the platform, they should refuse to ride together and immediately complain to the platform. If passengers still choose carpooling, it will not only bring security risks to their travel, but also be a breach of contract.