Short-term gains become a trend, and excessive expansion digs holes to find value;
Love to pay attention to the pull-up plate, and follow the horse pond when it is oversold.
DRAWGBKLAST(CLOSE & gt; 0,STRIP(RGB(95,95,95),RGB(0,0,0),0));
ZF:=(C/REF(C, 1)- 1)* 100;
Trend: sum (ZF, 3), color ffffff, line thickness 2;
PARTLINE (trend,trend > REF (trend, 1)AND trend >; =0, RGB (255,0,0), trend < REF (trend, 1) and trend >;; 0,RGB(0,255,0)),LINETHICK2
Excessive inflation: if (Ma (,3)>=5,15,0), COLOR0000FF.
WK:= trend =LLV (trend, 4) and trend -HHV (trend, 4) < =0-20 and HHV (trend, 4)>=8;
Dig: if (wk, 0 0- 10/0,0), color 00ffff.
Oversold: If (Ma (,3)
CZSJ:=BARSLAST (overshoot =15);
Cdsj: = barlast (oversold = 0-15);
CZQY:= CZSJ & lt; =8 and czsj < = cdsj and COUNT(MA (trend, 3)>=0-5, CZSJ)= CZSJ;;
CDQY:= CDSJ & lt; =8 and cdsj < = czsj and COUNT(MA (trend, 3) < =5, CDSJ)= CDSJ;;
Attention period: if (czqy, czsj+ 1, 0), color ff 00ff, point dot.
Tracking period: if (cdqy, 0-cdsj- 1 0), color ff 8800, dot.
{Set the display mode of the sub-screen below}
VERTLINE (overshoot = 15,2),COLOR0000FF
VERTLINE (oversold = 0-15,2), color 00ff00References:
{Simple Trend-Yipin Tea Edge Compilation, Rare Profile Index, Great Wisdom L-2 Edition}