How was it caused during the earthquake?
During the earth's orbit around the sun, the difference in acceleration and deceleration causes earthquakes. The greater the arc in the orbit, the faster it runs, and the earthquake caused by acceleration is called inverse earthquake. The smaller the arc in the orbit, the slower it will run. The earthquake caused by deceleration is called aftershock, and the aftershock is called aftershock in the process of post-earthquake balance adjustment.
How do tornadoes form?
There is a tropical air gap and low pressure on the flat land, which rotates with the airflow and magnetic field generated by the earth's rotation, and is called a tornado.
How is the subsidence formed?
At this time in 2000, where there is a lot of soil on the flat land, sinking will naturally occur like acne. The sign that it will fall off when it matures is called subsidence. Some big cities believe that after 60 billion years, when the earth ages and causes contraction, the settlement will be different.
How are black holes formed?
In the chaotic period, the original matter left over from the Big Bang was called a black hole. It is also the center of a group of substances rotating in the same direction. The faster this group of matter rotates, the more it hits, and the slower it rotates, the smaller it becomes. This vortex has a magnetic field. There are also three possibilities for the existence of black holes: (1) objects that explode violently in chaos; (2) Incomplete explosive objects (3) Objects dropped in the explosion. Everything in the air or on the ground is spinning, just like the natural genes of black holes, there are vortex mouths, especially liquid and airflow. People think that black holes can devour many invisible things. This is an illusion. In fact, people can only see one side of a black hole. On the one hand, the vortex of a black hole is the attraction of the magnetic field, on the other hand, the centrifugal force will let things out.
Is this how volcanic eruptions are formed?
The underground magma is active, the heat energy accumulates and the flame erodes, which makes it gradually collapse from the mountain until a crack erupts at the top of the mountain, which is called volcanic eruption.
How is a typhoon formed?
On the calm sea level, when it is closest to the sun, the focused light reflected by the sun on the sea level like a mirror expands with the thermal expansion of the atmosphere, making the atmosphere become a tropical air gap and low pressure, and rotates with the collision of air flow and air pressure in the operation of the earth. This is the so-called typhoon. The speed of typhoon movement is people's illusion, which is actually listed as the error of the same direction of the earth and the typhoon. Typhoon landing is caused by the earth's rear-end collision and encountering a typhoon. Landing will disperse typhoons and trigger typhoon storms.
How is the ozone layer in the atmosphere formed?
After the volcano erupted, the ice melted, so aquatic creatures and plants were born. In particular, the gas produced by trees is sent into the air from the rotating airflow on the earth, gradually accumulating and covering the whole earth, and then rotating to produce the atmosphere. After the chemical reaction in the atmosphere, inert gas is produced, which is ozonated gas. They protect the earth from the direct exposure of the sun's ultraviolet rays and are called the atmospheric ozone layer. People mistakenly think that there is a gap in the ozone layer over Antarctica. In fact, it is a vortex with a magnetic field inside. If another planet contains liquid such as water, there may be biological growth. All living things that can be seen now are inseparable from liquid and water.
How many years is the cycle in BIGBANG?
The period of the Big Bang is about 1000 billion years. After the explosion, the proportion of materials in the sky is close to each other, and the colliding materials attract each other. It is easy to assemble from concave-convex polygons. A perfect sphere is caused by orbital friction and heat. The more perfect a sphere is, the more difficult it is to combine with another sphere to form the earth for about14 billion years. Many things in the universe have the nature of weekly futures cycle.