2。 Futures are relative to spot. Futures are the subject matter that is bought and sold now, but will be settled or delivered in the future. This subject matter can be gold, crude oil, agricultural products, financial instruments, financial indicators and other commodities. The delivery date of futures can be one week later, one month later, three months later or even one year later. A contract or agreement to buy or sell futures is called a futures contract. The place where futures are bought and sold is called the futures market. Investors can invest or speculate in futures. Improper speculation on futures, such as short selling stocks, will lead to financial market turmoil.
3。 Because the investors of government agencies and institutions do not require investment returns and investment recovery, but require funds to be used for designated purposes in accordance with the law or the wishes of the investors, funds are formed.
4。 Inflation refers to the phenomenon that the money supply is greater than the actual demand of money under the condition of paper money circulation, that is, the actual purchasing power is greater than the output supply, which leads to the devaluation of money and the sustained and general rise of prices for a period of time. It is generally believed that inflation will generally reduce the consumption welfare of residents. However, stable and small inflation is usually considered to be beneficial to the economy.
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