Value investment depends on whether investors think a stock is undervalued or overvalued, or whether the whole market is undervalued or overvalued. The simplest method is to compare the price-earnings ratio, dividend and yield index of a company with the average level of competitors in the same industry and the whole market.
Extended data:
Influencing factors:
1, is the policy good or bad?
Changes in policy fundamentals generally only affect investor confidence. For example, favorable policies, increased investor confidence, and the active entry of funds into the market have affected changes in supply and demand.
2. Is the market environment good or bad?
Individual stocks form plates, and plates form a large market. The market is composed of individual stocks and sectors, and the ups and downs of individual stocks and sectors will affect the ups and downs of the market. Similarly, the rise and fall of the market will in turn affect individual stocks. ?
3. The entry and exit of main funds is very important for a stock, because the entry and exit of main funds directly affects the relationship between supply and demand of the stock, thus playing an important role in the stock.
Baidu encyclopedia-stock ups and downs