The pronunciation of future is ?fju?t? in English and ?fju?t?r in American.
Phrase collocations:
1. Once and future permanent; lasting; continuous.
2. future development future development; future development; future development.
3. foreseeable future foreseeable future; foreseeable future.
4. a bright future a bright future; a bright future; a bright future.
5. future direction future direction; future direction; future direction.
6. bright future bright future; bright future; bright future.
Bilingual examples:
1. My time at the restaurant will remain with me forever and benefit me in the future.
My time at the restaurant will remain with me forever and benefit me in the future.
My time at the restaurant will remain with me forever and benefit me in the future. Time will always be with me and good for my future.
2. The experience of studying abroad may also look good on your future resume.
The experience of studying abroad may also look good on your future resume.
3. It can help to eliminate future?interruptions.
It can help to eliminate future interferences.