Reason: The reason is that your trading account is filled in incorrectly.
Extended data
Industrial and commercial bank card error code 9920. Your account has been suspended due to unusual transactions.
In the face of this situation, there is no need to worry. You can ask the bank staff or call 95588 for consultation.
9920 has three possibilities:
1. Long-term permanent households
If the bank card has not been used for more than 6 months, the non-counter business will be suspended. Customers only need to take their bank cards and ID cards to the nearby outlets to deregulate, and the counter will use the 7688 transaction to deregulate.
Comments: This control is the lightest, which is equivalent to going to the counter to reactivate the account.
2. Account control
May be controlled by the account because of gambling fraud. For specific reasons, the counter should check and lock the outlets and reasons according to the card number or account number through the transaction of 1737.
Comments: Generally speaking, this kind of control means that the account opening branch receives the list of customers to be associated checked issued by the superior, inquires about the customer's flow direction and judges whether the account is abnormal, and then authorizes the teller to control the account to stop receiving and paying. Because bank employees are not law enforcement officers, the judgment is subjective, and gambling and fraud are not equal to the completion of the crime. So account control has the purpose of forcing customers to come to the bank to re-verify their identity. Usually, the customer can unlock the account after filling in the account verification form and accepting verbal inquiry and warning from the bank. However, in line with the principle of "the grievance has a head and the debt has a master", other outlets are afraid of easily unlocking the account involved and taking responsibility, and will persuade customers to return to the control outlets, that is, the account opening outlets. Whoever controls it will let go of the control, often closing the account and persuading him to return.
3. Jinge Intelligent Risk Control
If the query result of counter 7688 transaction is "Reaf application synchronous intelligent wind control", the account belongs to the control account of "Jinge intelligent wind control system". The counter cannot be unlocked. At present, only "Jinge Intelligent Wind Control System-Inventory Management-Inventory Unlocking" is supported. The reason for unlocking is that network personnel need to do due diligence on customers.