Many Internet of Things and 5G chips are engraved on 200mm wafers. With the increasing demand for these products this year, it is difficult to order the production capacity of 200mm wafers. Large foundries such as TSMC have made slow progress in expanding the new 200mm capacity. Before the outbreak of COVID-19, the utilization rate of 200mm capacity in many fabs was already very high. After the outbreak of the epidemic, the extra demand for various chips further increased the pressure on the supply chain that was close to saturation. You can literally understand the mature process that affects many industries such as automobiles and cameras. Maturity means that this process is basically a relatively mature field, so it has been slow in the past expansion. In addition, many equipment companies simply do not provide equipment for the mature process, so a wafer substitute in the mature process basically expanded slowly in the past and became an advanced mature process of the whole supply side, facing some bottlenecks.
The suspension and suspension of Wawper OEM demand has led to some changes in the order distribution of the whole Wawper OEM. Especially in the field of automotive semiconductors, there was a negative growth in global automobile sales last year, so the whole order was delayed. Because the whole infectious disease will recover slowly this year. However, the order war process of Wawper OEM takes 3~6 months, so the chip OEM demand of the whole vehicle cannot be met in a short time.
Because the revised Academy of Engineering has just mentioned increasing the output of suppliers, its flexibility also has certain limitations. We don't think the shortage of chips can be eliminated in a short time this year.