Salary level is related to many factors, including company size, business field, location, job level, personal ability and so on. Generally speaking, the treatment level of large state-owned enterprises such as China Textile Group is usually above the market average. However, the specific treatment will vary according to individual performance, performance and promotion.
In order to obtain more accurate information, it is suggested that you directly consult the human resources department or the internal staff of China Textile Group. In addition, you can also learn about the evaluation and experience of people who have worked in China Textile Group through recruitment websites, social media and other channels, so as to better understand the company's treatment and working environment.
Finally, salary is only one aspect, and factors such as company culture, development prospects and personal growth space need to be comprehensively considered when choosing a job. It is suggested to keep an open mind in the process of job hunting, comprehensively evaluate various opportunities and find your most satisfactory job.