personally, I recommend using the exam treasure APP.
Exam Bao is a one-stop learning APP for generating test papers, which can obtain and share test questions resources for free.
Provide services related to online learning, examination and test paper composition, mainly including: providing users with high-quality item bank content and simple and intelligent item bank import function. Support local question bank upload, generate question bank, and brush questions offline.
Main features:
1. Multiple types of questions support
single choice, multiple choice, judgment, filling in the blanks, indefinite items, sorting questions, short answer, discussion, calculation and combination questions (case analysis), which can be customized according to needs.
2. There are millions of question banks in the question bank market.
There are thousands of professional exams and subject-related question banks: electric power safety, fire safety, three basics of nurses, architecture, train attendants, computers, English, etc. After searching for the name and content of the question bank, you can directly practice, simulate the exam and search for the answers to the questions.
3. website /APP/ applet synchronous exercise
On the computer or mobile phone, the three-terminal exercise data such as brushing exercises, randomly generating test papers, online exams, searching test answers and trading question bank can be displayed synchronously, and after the completion of the exercise or exam, the results of the exercise/exam can be automatically counted to judge whether it is right or wrong.
4. Support document export and import
Software that can be imported into question bank, support computer-side websites and mobile APP import, support one-click import of Excel and Word documents, import thousands of questions at a time without any problems, support online exams with random questions, export test papers, and convert imported Word/Excel to each other.