1, low tax, high tax in China. Especially the bottom consumers, even if they buy rice and noodles, they have high taxes.
There is no middleman to earn the difference. Many goods in America are sold directly. Unlike what you buy in domestic supermarkets, it actually goes through several hands of the manufacturer before it is transferred to you. In contrast, why online shopping is cheap is actually because there are few middlemen in online shopping. Online shopping has middlemen, but the number of layers is much less than that of our offline shopping middlemen. The more circulation links, the higher the natural price.
American products don't depend on manpower. Mechanized production, large capacity, many products can not be sold and thrown away. Compared with China, consumption is greater than supply, demand is greater than supply, and the natural price is higher.
4. The price composition is different. As you said, the price of eating and drinking Lazarus is actually only a small part of American consumption.