1, Jin Wang got the fire and finished the weapon; When the fire is booming, wood will help each other; If the water is prosperous, the soil will become a pool; The soil is prosperous and sparse; Only when the wood is flourishing can it become a pillar. Gold is born in the soil, and more gold is buried in the soil; Gold can produce water, and water is heavy; In case of fire, gold falls and is sold immediately; Strong gold gets water, and it will defeat its front.
2. Party A and Party B belong to wood, ranking in the East. Ding Bing is very popular, ranking in the south. Wuji belongs to the soil and occupies a central position. Geng Xin belongs to gold and lives in the west. Non-decyl water, living in the north.
3. A has merged with the earth, and Chen, Yi, Ugliness, Wei, Si and Wu have been transformed. B Geng He, Chen, Xu, Ugly, Wei, Shen, You Yue. Bing Xin and water combine to apply, swim, sea, children, ugliness and transformation. Ding Ren and Mu, Hai, Zi, Yin, Mao, Chen and Wei Yue. Combination transformation of fire, yin, hair, secretary, noon, health and moon.
4, innate gossip is the body, for time and space. Innate gossip's Kun stood in the northern hemisphere, the sky was south, the ground was north, the left was east, the right was west, and the country was far apart, which came from innate gossip.
5, the day after tomorrow, for orientation. The day after tomorrow, people stand in the northern hemisphere. In the next obstacle, Zuo Zhen will fight. In the north, it is the location of Yingpan, in the south, in the east, in the earthquake, in the west, in the northeast, in the southeast, in Kunming and in the northwest.