2. Reason: 1. Demand-driven inflation: also known as excessive demand inflation, refers to the continuous and substantial increase in the general price level caused by demand exceeding total supply. 2. Cost-driven inflation: refers to the sustained and significant increase in the general price level caused by the increase in supply costs without excessive demand. 3. Wage-driven inflation: As the growth rate of wages is higher than that of production, the cost will increase, which will lead to an increase in the general price level. 4。 Profit-driven inflation: refers to the rise of the general price level caused by monopoly enterprises and oligopoly enterprises using market forces to seek excess profits. 5. Structural inflation: Due to changes in the economic structure, the general price level will continue to rise.
Type: 1. According to the rate of price increase, it can be divided into mild inflation (the rate of price increase is within 10%), pentium inflation (10%~ 100%) and super inflation (above 100%) 2. Unbalanced inflation (the proportion of various commodities rising is not exactly the same) 3. According to people's expectations, it can be divided into expected inflation and expected inflation.
4. Coping policy: China's policy-1. Artificially create a recession with tight economic policies. 2. Determine the wage price guidelines. 3. Implement price and wage control (generally used in wartime). 4. Reorganize and eliminate backward enterprises and industries in time. 5. Change inflation expectations. 6. Moral persuasion.
In addition, in western countries, tight economic policies (such as increasing taxes, raising discount rates and reducing the total amount of credit) and income policies (such as limiting wage and price increases-issuing price guidelines and forcibly managing wages and prices) will be used to limit inflation.