Interpretation: (short) short; Close; Short, low; Insufficient; Less than; Short; Adv. (short) is insufficient; Not as good as; Intermediate (interrupt); Not far enough; Suddenly; (short) short; Lack; Short circuit; short pants
Phrase: short circuit? [electricity]? Short circuit; Thunder 5; Minimum operation; Anyway? In short; In short; In short; Simply put; Short-term memory Short-term memory; ? [physiology]? Short-term memory; Distinguish human short-term memory; Short-term memory; Text messages? SMS; SMS; SMS; Send text messages.
Short film? Short film; Best animated short film; Best live-action short film; Microfilm; Lack? Shortage; Lack; Not reached; Out of reach; Short shot? Short ball; Insufficient filling; Short lens; Can't walk normally; Cut it short? Interrupt; Stop suddenly; Interrupt; Shorten; Short selling? Short selling; Short selling; Short selling; Short selling establishes market position by selling futures contracts.
Bilingual example:
The announcement was made not long ago.
This notice was issued not long ago.
They are performing a short passage from Shakespeare's play Two Gentlemen of Verona.
They are performing a short passage from Shakespeare's play Two Gentlemen of Verona.
A short old woman with gray hair.
A little old woman with gray hair.