Which is better, Guangzhou Financial Holdings Group Guangfa Bank?
Compared with Guangfa Bank of Guangzhou Jinkong Group, Jinkong Group is better. Because the salary of Jinkong Group is better than that of Guangfa Bank, the average salary of employees in Jinkong Group is14,866 yuan per month, while the average salary of employees in Guangfa Bank is 8,923 yuan per month, so Guangzhou Jinkong Group is better. Guangzhou Financial Holding Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Guangzhou Jinkong"), formerly known as Guangzhou International Holding Group Co., Ltd., was established in February 2006 with a registered capital of 6.37 billion RMB. It is a platform for the municipal government to integrate the municipal financial industry, and its establishment aims to develop a financial holding group with comprehensive competitive advantages, comprehensive services and comprehensive operational capabilities. Investment is risky, please make a careful decision.