Version 2
. Support library iext2.
. Support library iext
. Support library eAPI
. Assembly window assembly 1
. Assembly variable file path, text type
. Whether an assembly variable is currently being typed, logic.
. The contents of the subroutine _ super edit box 1_ have been changed, and the color of the super edit box has been changed.
. Locally variable color, character format
Color. Text color = color value (random number (0,255), random number (0,255), random number (0,255))
Super edit box 1. Sets the character format (color) of the selection area.
Status bar 1. Set text (0, Line+ to text (super edit box 1. Take line number ())+text length+to text (super edit box 1. Take the text length ())
. The subroutine _ _ startup window _ has been created,, and a general dialog box has been set.
General dialog 1. Filter = "txt | *。 txt "
General dialog 1. Default file suffix = "txt "
General dialog box 1. Title = "Legend Notepad Save Dialog Box ..."
_ Time Date _ Selected ()
_ Hyun Yin Skin _ Featured ()
Memo reminder ()
. The position of the subroutine _ _ startup window _ has changed, and the super edit box has also changed (the button 1 has also changed).
. If true (_ Start the window. Location = 3)
Super edit box 1. Width = screen width () -3.
Super edit box 1. Height = screen height () -80-button 1. Height-10.
Button 1. Top edge = screen height ()-status bar 1. Height-100.
Button 1. Width = screen width () -5.
Button 1. Height = status bar 1. Height+10.
If it's over.
. If true (_ Start the window. Location = 0)
Super edit box 1. Width = _ Start window. Width-10.
Super edit box 1. Height = _ Start window. Height -55- button 1. Height-10.
Button 1. Top edge = 200
Button 1. Width = 560
If it's over.
. Subroutine _ New _ Selected,,, New File
If true (super edit box 1. Content ≦ "; )
If true (message box ("You haven't saved it yet! Do you want to save? " 4), = # is the button)
General dialog 1. Type = 1
General dialog 1. Open ()
Write to a file (general dialog 1. File name, set in bytes (super edit box 1. Content))
If it's over.
If it's over.
. Subroutine _ Open _ Select,,, Open File
General dialog 1. Type = 0
General dialog 1. Open ()
. If true (regular dialog 1. File name 8800 ";" )
Super edit box 1. Content = text (read into file (general dialog box 1. File name))
File path = General dialog 1. filename
If it's over.
. Subroutine _ Save _ Select,,, Save File
. If true (file path = "")
General dialog 1. Type = 1
General dialog 1. Open ()
Write to a file (general dialog 1. File name, set in bytes (super edit box 1. Content))
If it's over.
. If true (file path ≦ "")
Write file (file path, to byte set (super edit box 1. Content))
If it's over.
. Subroutine _ Save to _ Select,,, Save as a file
General dialog 1. Type = 1
General dialog 1. Open ()
. If true (regular dialog 1. File name 8800 ";" )
Write to a file (general dialog 1. File name, set in bytes (super edit box 1. Content))
If it's over.
. Subroutine _ Undo _ Select,,, Undo Text
Super edit box 1. Undo ()
The subroutine _ Cut _ is selected,, and cuts the text.
Super edit box 1. Cut ()
. Subroutine _ Copy _ is selected,,, copy text.
Super edit box 1. Copy ()
. Subroutine _ Adhesion _ is selected,,, Paste the text.
Super edit box 1. Paste ()
. Subroutine _ Delete _ Select,,, Delete Text
Super edit box 1. Delete ()
Super edit box 1. Content = Take the left side of the text (super edit box 1. Content, take the length of the text (super edit box 1. Content)-1).
. Subroutine _ Find _ Select,,, Find Text
Load (Find Window, True)
. The subroutine _ Find Next _ is selected,,, and has not been solved yet.
. Subroutine _ Text Replacement _ Select,,, Text Replacement
Load (text replacement window,, true)
Subroutine _ Jump _ Selected,,, has not been solved.
Load (jump to window, true)
. Subroutine _ Select All _ Select,,, Select All Text
Super edit box 1. Number of characters selected = text length (super edit box 1. Content)
Subroutine _ Time Date _ is selected,,, Time-Date.
. When the local variable is small, the text type.
. Local variable minutes, text type
. Local variable date, text type
. Local variable year, text type
. Local variable month, text type
. Local variable day, text type.
Hours = to text (take hours (take current time ()))
minute = to text(take minutes(take current time()))
Year = to text (take year (take current time ()))
Month = to text (take month (take current time ()))
Date = to text (date (current time ()))
Status bar 1. Set the text (1, hour+":"+minute+"+year+"-"+month+"-"+day).
Subroutine _ Legend Notepad v 13_ Select,,, About Notepad
Information box ("Software Author: Ancient Legend" +# newline+ "QQ:1041750677"+# newline+"MSN: thumb _ wai _ lun @"+# newline+"Writing tool: Yi Language"+
. Subroutine _ Password Save _ Select,,, Password Protection
Load (password window,, true)
. The subroutine _ Memo _ is selected and loaded into the Memo window.
Load (memo window,, true)
Subroutine memo reminder,,, memo reminder
. Local variable segmentation text, text type, "0"
Local variable today's date, text type
. Local variable segmentation today's date, text type, "0"
Split text = Split text (read configuration item (take running directory () +"\ memo). Ini ","memo ","prompt date ",)," day ",)
Today's date = to text (take the date (take the current time ()))
Split Today's Date = Split Text (Today's Date, "Day",)
If it is true (take the number of array members (split text) = 1 or take the number of array members (split text) > 1)
If true (split text [1] = split today's date [1])
Status bar 1. Set the text (2, "You have a memo today")
If it's over.
If it's over.
Subroutine _ Silver Skin _ Select,,, Silver Skin
Replace new skin (1)
. Subroutine _ Light Skin _ Select,,, Light Skin
Replace with new skin (10)
Subroutine _ Light Grey Skin _ Selected,,, Light Grey Skin
Replace with new skin (13)
Subroutine _ Light Blue Skin _ Selected,,, Light Blue Skin
Replace with new skin (19)
. Subroutine _ Dark Skin _ Select,,, Dark Skin
Replace new skin (5)
Subroutine _ Shining Silver Skin _ Selected,,, Shining Silver Skin
Replace new skin (2)
. Subroutine _ Whitening Skin _ Selected,,, Whitening Skin
Replace with new skin (15)
Subroutine _ Brilliant Blue Skin _ Selected,,, Brilliant Blue Skin
Replace with new skin (18)
. Subroutine _ Dark Skin _ Select,,, Dark Skin
Replace with new skin (14)
. Can the subroutine _ _ Start window _ be closed, logical, transparent and minimize operations?
. Local variable variable 1, integer type
Variable 1 = 255
. Counting cycle head (255,)
Set window transparency (_ Start window. Take the window handle (), variable 1)
Variable 1 = variable 1- 1.
If true (variable 1 = 1)
Set the tray icon (# program icon, "Old Legend Notepad v 1.2")
_ Start the window. Visible = false
If it's over.
. Count cycle tail ()
Return (false)
. Subroutine _ _ Start Window _ Tray Event,,, Transparent Display _ Start Window
Parameter operation type, integer type
. Local variable variable 1, integer type
. If true (operation type = 1)
_ Start the window. Visible = true
. Count loop header (255, variable 1)
Set window transparency (_ Start window. Take the window handle (), variable 1)
. Count cycle tail ()
If it's over.
. If true (operation type = 3)
Pop-up menu (icon menu, select horizontal mouse position () and vertical mouse position ())
If it's over.
. The subroutine _ _ Start Window _ will be destroyed,,, Destroy the taskbar icon.
Set the tray icon ({},)
Subroutine _ Open Legend Notepad _ Select,,, _ to start the window. Visual = True
_ _ Start Window _ Tray event (1)
The subroutine _ Destroy _ is selected,, and destroys the software.
Destroy ()
Subroutine _ Super Edit Box 1_ Press a key, logic type,, and typing. ...
Parameter key code, integer type
Parameter function key status, integer type
Is it true what you are typing now?
Button 1. Title = "Enter ..."
Clock 1. Clock period = 800.
Return (true)
Subroutine _ Super Edit Box 1_ Release a key, type logically, and pause typing. ...
Parameter key code, integer type
Parameter function key status, integer type
Is what you are typing fake?
Return (true)
. Subroutine _ Clock 1_ Periodic event,,, Pause typing. ...
If true (whether you are currently typing = false)
Button 1. Title = "Stop typing ..."
If it's over.
. The subroutine _ super edit box 1_ selection area has been changed,,, super edit box 1. Scroll.
Super edit box 1. Scroll (1)