Peanut; Very little money.
That? Cost? Used to be. Peanuts? Contrast? Where to? Answer? New? Kitchen?
Compared with building a new kitchen, that cost is negligible.
Plural number: peanuts
Peanut related phrases:
1, peanut brittle peanut candy
2, peanut butter peanut butter
3. Peanut Gallery The tallest building in the theater ...
4. Peanut Picker Peanut Picker
5. Peanut combine harvester ...
Extended data:
A synonym for peanuts: insignificant.
An insignificant phonetic symbol: English [ns? ɡ? n? f? k? Nt], beauty [ns? ɡ? n? f? k? nt]
An irrelevant explanation:
Tiny; Doesn't matter; footy
Ann? Personal? Strength? Is it? Doesn't matter. ?
Personal strength is negligible.
Irrelevant related phrases:
nonsignificant digit