1. Multi-party funds in stocks refer to funds that are optimistic about the market. Generally, these funds are already bullish on stocks or have funds to buy stocks; Empty funds refer to funds that are not optimistic about the market. Generally, they are prepared to sell stocks and hold money. It is precisely because of the difference between long and short funds that stocks have risen and fallen. If there are only many parties or only empty parties in the stock market, it is difficult to complete the stock trading. Of course, the bigger the price difference between the long and short sides, the greater the fluctuation of the stock market.
2. The difference between inflow and outflow is the net inflow of the stock on that day. Simply put, the inflow of long and short funds refers to the turnover when a stock rises minus the turnover when the stock falls. Generally speaking, long and short funds refer to funds bought and sold. If investors sell short positions, they are prepared to earn falling spreads. According to the definition of the market, the inflow of long and short funds refers to the inflow and outflow of trading funds, and the volume of transactions when the index falls is the power to push the index down, which is defined as the outflow of funds. The trading volume generated when the index rises is the power to push the index up, which is defined as capital inflow.
It is very necessary for investors to analyze the flow of funds from the perspective of quantity. Volume and transaction amount are directional in actual operation, and the flow of funds is the direction that funds actively choose in the stock market. Most transactions represent bulls, multi-party funds refer to long-term funds, and empty funds refer to short-term funds. Generally speaking, when the inflow of multi-party funds is less than the outflow of empty funds, the stock will fall with a high probability. When the inflow of multi-party funds is greater than the outflow of empty funds, the stock has a high probability of rising. According to the size of a single transaction, main funds and retail funds can be distinguished, which can well show the trend of institutional funds to investors.