1. Demand refers to the quantity of products that buyers are willing and able to buy at a certain time and place at various price levels. Current demand consists of domestic consumption, export volume and ending balance. At present, domestic consumption, including household consumption and government consumption, is mainly affected by the number of consumers, income level and purchasing power, consumption structure, prices of related products and other factors. The current export volume is the number of products produced in China sold to foreign markets, which is mainly affected by the international market supply and demand, the price ratio of domestic sales to export sales, tariff and non-tariff barriers, exchange rate and other factors. Ending balance.
2. Factors affecting demand: price, income level, preference, prices of related products and consumer expectations.
3. The price elasticity of demand indicates the reaction degree of demand to price change, or the percentage of demand change when the price changes 1%, which essentially reflects the sensitivity of demand to price change.