Logistics supervision; Logistics monitoring (ぶつりゅぅか) and logistics supervision (ぶつりゅぅか)
The safest thing is logistics management (かんり)
Financing; Financing (ゆぅし), ファィナンス
Investment promotion; Issue (ぼしゅぅ) and bill (はっちゅぅ)
Berth deposit/rent; Store deposit (てんぽしききん)/loan (ちんしゃくりょ)
Upstream/downstream; Up (じょぅりゅぅ) and down (かりゅぅ)
Agent; Mechanism (だぃり), ディーラー
Draw points; Remove (ちゅぅしゅつ) and remove (ぬきとり).
Credit granting; Tongxin (よしん), Credit, クレジット,
Guarantee; Guarantee (たんぽ), guarantee (ほしょぅ)
The more advanced, the greater the grasp. Please refer to.