However, some investors will think that the end of the market is the banker's protection to prevent the stock price from falling. If the banker doesn't continue to push up the stock price the next day, then the banker's purpose in the late session is indeed to support the market, more accurately, to maintain the high closing price of the day.
The end of the market is that the dealer is sucking goods, with the aim of sucking cheap chips. If the banker's real purpose is to attract cheap chips, then the banker's end is to suppress the stock price. More accurately, it is to suppress the stock price to the low-priced area and then absorb the lightening.
Basically, the bookmakers deliberately raise or smash the stock market. They must have their intention and purpose to pull up and suppress the late share price, so we must carefully analyze the details of time-sharing transactions before we can draw the conclusion of pulling up and suppressing the late share price.
When analyzing the details of intraday trading, we should pay attention to several situations:
1. The trading volume of this stock is quite flat all day, and there are few big buy (sell) orders. However, if there is a big buy at the end of the session, it can be considered as a banker's support, and a big sell at the end of the session can be considered as a banker's suppression.
2. The stock actively suppresses the appearance of buy (sell) orders during trading. Once a slightly larger buy (sell) order is hung up, it will be sold or paid immediately. When the overall trend tends to be weak, this situation can also be considered as banker's protection when the late big orders rise, and when the overall trend is strong, in this case, it can be considered as banker's protection when the late big orders are broken.
3. When the market rises in the late session, there will be continuous active suppression of selling orders in the session, and once there is a slightly larger takeover, it will be smashed. This situation is somewhat similar to the second situation, but it can also be considered that the dealer is shipping. Different from the previous situation, the initiative to suppress selling orders is very strong; At the same time, it can also be distinguished by the ratio of the closing price to the amount actively suppressed by the selling order. If the closing price is less than 20% of the active selling amount, it can be considered as the dealer's shipment. On the contrary, it can be considered as the support of the banker.
If you look at the market at ordinary times, you will gradually master some laws. There is no 100% successful strategy in the stock market, only reasonable analysis. Every method and skill has its application environment and the possibility of failure. Novices should not use Niugubao mobile phone to fry cattle in the cattle list when they are not sure, which is much safer. I hope I can help you, and I wish you a happy investment!