1. What is the method of computer blind date?
Computer matching transaction mode is a computer automatic transaction mode designed according to the principle of open bidding, which refers to the bidding process in which the futures trading system matches the trading orders submitted by both parties. Compared with the open bidding method, this automatic trading method has the characteristics of accuracy, continuity and efficiency, but sometimes there are risks caused by factors such as trading system failure.
Second, the latest transaction price formation method:
Generally, the computer trading system sorts the trading declarations according to the principle of price priority and time priority. When the purchase price is greater than or equal to the selling price, the transaction will be automatically matched, and the matched transaction price is the middle price among the purchase price (bp), the selling price (sp) and the previous transaction price (cp), namely:
1 When bp≥sp≥cp, the latest transaction price = sp.
When 2Bp≥cp≥sp, the latest transaction price = cp.
3 When cp≥bp≥sp, the latest transaction price =bp.
This way of computer automatic matching is the mainstream matching way in the futures market now, and it is also the way adopted by domestic futures exchanges in China. It can be divided into two ways: continuous bidding and call auction. Among them, call auction's principle is the same as one-price bidding.