Buy: = if (o = c and (c-ref (c, 1))/ref (c, 1) * 100 > 9.8,AMOUNT,AMOUNT/((H-L)* 2-ABS(O-C))*(C-L);
Buy%: buy/amount * 100, colored, no lottery;
Inflow 1 100 million yuan: amount * buy %/ 1000000000, with magenta color and no draw;
Outflow 1 100 million yuan: amount/1 000000-inflow1100 million yuan, COLORGREEN, NODRAW.
1 100 million yuan net inflow: inflow 1 100 million yuan-outflow 1 100 million yuan, COLORCYAN, NODRAW.
Net inflow 1 100 million yuan 5:SUM (inflow 1 100 million yuan-outflow 1 100 million yuan, 5), COLORCYAN, NODRAW.
STICKLINE (buy,0,buy,2,0) 2,0),COLORRED
A: Ma (buy, 3) is yellow;
B:MA (buy, 5) Color Magenta;
Before the above formula was modified into an early warning formula, I used this formula for early warning: buying in intraday trading is three times as much as selling.
Can be imported into a conditional warning.
AA:=VOL/ ((high and low) *2-ABS (closing-opening));
b:= IF(CLOSE & gt; OPEN, AA* (high-low), if (close <; OPEN, AA* (high opening)+(close-low opening), vol/2);
s:= IF(CLOSE & gt; OPEN, AA* (intraday high-closing)+(intraday low), IF (closing & ltOPEN, AA* (high and low), vol/2));
b/S & gt; =3;