What are the advantages and disadvantages of physical silver, paper silver and silver TD?
Paper silver is a kind of personal voucher silver, and investors must buy and sell virtual silver on the books according to the bank quotation. Individuals earn the fluctuation price difference of silver by grasping the international silver trend, sucking low and throwing high. Trading records are only reflected in individual pre-opened silver accounts, and there is no physical silver withdrawal and delivery. The biggest advantage is low transaction cost. Disadvantages: you can't sell short, you can only buy more; Physical delivery is not allowed. Suitable for people, novices and some groups with steady and enterprising investment style. Silver T+D operation is more flexible, and you can choose to be bullish or bearish. At the same time, margin trading is also adopted. With the fluctuation of silver price of 1%, the capital gain and loss can be enlarged by 6.7 to 9.5 times. In addition, there are three trading periods (including night trading) every day, which makes the trading time longer. T+D trading system, the fastest cash realization and the lowest transaction cost. If there is no delivery date, it can be held indefinitely, can be extracted in kind, can be bought and sold bilaterally, or can be sold short. Because of the leverage of T+D trading, the risk is relatively large. Suitable people are suitable for some groups with certain investment experience and foundation and enterprising investment style, rather than "> (1) physical silver. For most investors, buying physical silver is undoubtedly the simplest and most stable investment method, and silver has the highest anti-risk ability and both collection value and function.