Happy Engings
Hey, at least in my mind, hey at least I think,
I'm feelin' like I'm the hero that saves me, I am a hero who redeems myself,
There, I hold my head high, then I can hold my head high,
Get everything right, put everything in order,
Delusional maybe, maybe it's just delusion,
Yo, this whole last year was a shit show, the whole last year was a mess,
Just findin' out now what I didn't know, I just realized my ignorance now,
Seems like each time when I get low, it seems every low period,
I place blame everywhere that it shouldn' t go, I always blame others,
And that's what's keeping me up, this thought is keeping me awake,
Fallin' apart, man, I keep it a buck, even if It's falling apart man, I'm not gonna lie,
You still act like I'm holding you up, I still feel like I' m folding up, so, I still feel like I'm on the verge of collapse,
Tell me what I should have said and I'll pretend to know that, tell me what I should have said and I'll pretend to know that
Things come out my mouth that I should probably learn to hold back,
Why do I expect to have the patience that I don't have? How can I expect others to be patient with me if I'm so impatient?
Over and over, expecting a different result, yeah, over and over, expecting a different result,