Protective investment is a method to deal with depreciation. The basic idea is that when the currency depreciates, investors can offset the depreciation of their own currency by investing in foreign currencies, thus gaining investment income. The specific way to support investment is that investors can buy foreign exchange futures contracts, foreign exchange investment funds, or foreign exchange investment products to offset the depreciation of their own currencies, so as to obtain investment income.
In addition, investors can also buy foreign stocks, bonds and other financial products to offset the depreciation of their own currencies, so as to obtain investment income. In addition, investors can buy foreign currency to offset the depreciation of their own currency, thus gaining investment income. Finally, investors can also buy foreign currency futures contracts to offset the depreciation of their own currencies, thus gaining investment income.
In a word, protective investment is an effective way to deal with devaluation, which can help investors offset the devaluation of their own currencies and gain investment income. However, there are certain risks in supporting investment, and investors should choose appropriate supporting investment strategies according to their own risk tolerance and investment objectives in order to obtain the maximum investment income.